The Hipster Brigade
Friday, May 30, 2003
slow dance and fast dance and clap clap clap our hands

if i had a prom, i would call it the fiasco ball. there would be disasters lurking around every corner. i would have smoke bombs lining the dance floor. police lights would hang from the ceiling and i'm pretty sure The Faint's "Take Me to the Hospital" would be the night's song. there would be a crowning of mister and miss fiasco and they would dance to "The Safety Dance" while fireworks shot around them. and instead of an ice sculpture there would be a fire one, which would be found right in the center of the flaky dessert table -- nothing strange about flaky pastries, i just like them. i suppose they could be frosted with sad faces or something. obviously, the last dance of the night would be to the twist. sigh. who doesn't love a nice disaster?

i never had a prom but a girl can daydream, right? actually, i still want to go if you'll take me.

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