The Hipster Brigade
Sunday, June 29, 2003

sometimes you come back from a vacation refreshed. sometimes you come back exhausted. i came back refreshed. i came back with something i didn't leave with. it's funny how much i didn't want to go. i cried. i kicked and screamed. i simply sat down and refused to pack. but i knew i was going. i knew it was good for me. "go out and do something you are scared of."

it wasn't the hiking or the lack of oxygen or the studying or the snow or even the mcdonald's breakfast. it was going on a trip with complete strangers. just faces. hair. clothes. and then coming back and knowning and sharing more with them than even family members. they become closer to you, because in the wilderness there is no one but you and that girl in the bunk bed over your head. it's six girls you thought maybe you couldn't get along with because you are the recluse the teacher joked you were. and then leaving and wishing they were coming to boston with you. that they were more than just memories.

then again, it was only one week.

as confined as it was, i'm really starting to miss that damn van. and one thing is for certain, i will never look at a plant and just call it a plant again. those things are more alive than some of the people i talk to. spunk. they've got spunk.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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