The Hipster Brigade
Tuesday, July 01, 2003

i started this a long time ago and thought i would share. it's a lot better than what i remembered.

I like the ends of things. When I walk by a group of people and hear them talking about a movie. I always stop and listen to hear the end than I run immediately to the theater so I can judge the whole movie based on it’s ending and I complain outloud at the end about how predictable the movie was. Everyone gets irritated. On dates, I always start at the ending. The first thing I ask at those fancy restaurants is what do they think of marriage and children and do they think they can love me. The dates always end with awkward smiles and handshakes. No hugs. No kisses. Never. I live at home with my mother and I’m waiting for the end of that. I always read the ends of magazines first. Those last few essays at the end are always the best anyways. I like to spare myself from surprise and heartbreak. I figure it hurts less in the long run.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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