The Hipster Brigade
Wednesday, July 16, 2003
mr. rogers, i solute you

Good People Sometimes Do Bad Things

good people sometimes think bad things,
good people dream bad things, don't you?
good people even say bad things,
once in a while we do.

good people sometimes wish bad things,
good people try bad things, don't you?
good people even do bad things,
once in a while we do.

has anybody said you're good lately?
has anybody said you're nice?
and have you wondered how they could, lately,
wondered once or twice?

did you forget that
good people sometimes feel bad things?
good people want bad things, they do!
good people even do bad things
once in a while we do,
good people sometimes do.

i think if i could have chosen, i would have picked mr. rogers for my dad. something about his honesty and kindness towards children. i never failed to learn something from his show. also, daniel striped-tiger is the best, but what was up with his gold watch? i liked henrietta pussy cat, too. sometimes i wish i could live in the land of make believe or perhaps that's my problem.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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