The Hipster Brigade
Sunday, August 17, 2003
sometimes i like playing the abductee

a rusted pillow (3:04:30 AM): it was inside someone's van
a rusted pillow (3:04:36 AM): and they were loading stuff inside
a rusted pillow (3:04:42 AM): i would have hit him first with the dryer
a rusted pillow (3:04:44 AM): too much trouble
pretttyinblack (3:04:47 AM): haha
pretttyinblack (3:04:54 AM): and then he would have hit back and abducted you
a rusted pillow (3:05:30 AM): cool.
a rusted pillow (3:05:39 AM): i kept asking for someone to kidnap me
a rusted pillow (3:05:44 AM): but no one would
pretttyinblack (3:05:49 AM): and forced you to work in his house of pancakes
pretttyinblack (3:06:05 AM): you'd have to wear a floppy pancake hat
pretttyinblack (3:06:14 AM): and tell everyone the specials
pretttyinblack (3:06:20 AM): and sweep up late at night
pretttyinblack (3:06:39 AM): and you'd have to live in the ceiling with all the other pancake house slave girls
pretttyinblack (3:06:54 AM): and dream of one day running away to live at a waterslide park
pretttyinblack (3:07:16 AM): end.

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