The Hipster Brigade
Friday, September 26, 2003
how are your limits?

four nights ago, i ate cereal for dinner. whole milk and life. i ate four bowls throughout the night.

i always imagined that when i was out of the house i'd eat candy and pizza everyday. i eat more apples than i do candy. i eat more bagels than i do pizza. no, not candied apples and pizza bagels. nothing fancy.

occasionally, when i do go to the grocery store i stock up on the same things. apple sauce, cheese and crackers and oreos. i spend the whole time worrying that mice might break into my room on miniature motorcycles with tiny crowbars. i don't mind their company, i just want them to get their own damn food.

i guess my point is that i'm a lot more responsible adult than i'd like to be, even if i house a gang of rabid mice under my bed.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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