The Hipster Brigade
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
celebrity look-a-likes

My 5th grade class all had to write letters to Chelsea Clinton. I remember everyone was writing mean nasty letters, because they all thought she was ugly. I wrote something like:

Dear Chelsea,

I really like your cat, Socks. He's neat. Plus, if you'd use some straightner maybe you'd be more accepted by the general public. I'm sorry that my class is being so mean to you. I like you tons or rather, I don't know you so I refuse to discriminate just because you have a zit in that one picture we are looking at in our Weekly Readers. I still don't hate you for being a teenager. Yeah, that sucks. Next time, tell your mom to spend the $200 on your haircut and not her's.


Then one day as I was walking through Sear's minding my own business, some woman shouted, "Hey Chelsea." I looked at her confused. "Has anyone told you, you look like Chelsea Clinton?" Well, no they haven't because I looked like this and not like this. I walked around the rest of the day completely confused.

Other celebrities I have been compared to:

- Madonna (when I had my short hair, previous to now which is obviously a rip off of Ben Gibbard)
- Christiana Ricci
- Jeanene Garofalo

On a final note, I once got to tour the White House and I spent the entire time looking for Socks. Sadly, I never saw him.

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