The Hipster Brigade
Thursday, October 16, 2003

Then this chick comes up to me and she's all, like,
" Hey, aren't you that dude?"
And I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"

It has to come to my attention that I am not a very nice person. After spending most of the night thinking about this observation, I'd have to agree that it's correct. I am not a very nice person. Not that I care about being nice. Nice has not gotten me very far. I'd rather be mean and have 5 close friends than be nice and have 45 close friends. It's not even that I'm blatentedly mean. I'm a snide, obnoxious and sarcastic little weasel. It must be true, my mom says so. Although, I should bring to your attention that anyone that knows me will realize I'm just joking and that I'm racked with guilt at most any confrontation. I'd rather be miserable and tell someone that I like them, than be free of the insanity and happy. That's just how I am. I also will listen for hours to stories about how you love hacking into other people's computers and sending them nasty viruses, and I will listen because I'm a, mean person.

So later I'm at the pool hall
And this girl comes up
And she's, like, "awww"
And I'm, like, "yeah, whatever!"

I guess what makes me the meanest of all meanies is my lack of patience with most anyone. I'd hardly call it elitism, because I'm simply too "stupid" to understand enough to undermind most hipsters. I just don't like people. Most people are stupid and most people I can argue with and win. Although, I hate arguments because there is no reason for them. I have never solved anything with a single argument. I have solved more with apologies and hugs and mid-afternoon sex. It's just senseless to fight about something that can be fixed through kind gestures. Although, I don't believe in being kind at all. I volunteer, give money to the homeless, make mix cds for my friends and don't eat the fuzzy wuzzy animals. Apparantly, this is not part of being nice at all, these are just parts of me. Parts of the mean me and if I had to give them up, I'd rather die. So I guess, you take what you can get and that's a motherfucking evil devil bitch also known as Diana.

And then up comes Zafo
I'm, like, "yo, Zafo. What's up?"
He's, like, "nothin'"
And I'm, like, "that's cool."

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