The Hipster Brigade
Saturday, October 11, 2003
tree house

i never had a tree house, but i did have a fort. one afternoon, i lost my frisbee on the roof of the garage. my dad showed me how to climb the built-in brick BBQ pit (which we never used) to get to it. this soon became the place where i went to think, often i would test out my newest inventions as well.

from up there, i could see the cars past and the other kids playing in the neighborhood, but i never had to give up where i was. i was always hidden by the giant evergreens. i could play the spy.

one of my favorite things to do as a child was figure out how to make a fishing pole. i'm not sure why i wanted to go fishing, perhaps i had seen way too many episodes of the Andy Griffith Show, but that's what i wanted to do. mostly i would use a long stick and a piece of string with a bent paperclip attached at the end. down at the creek, i never caught a single thing. i still liked to imagine sitting out there in a boat all day, just thinking.

my other idea was to make a pea shooter, which seemed a lot harder than i thought it would be. apparantly, shooting split peas out of straw doesn't work as well as i thought. i soon abandoned that idea for a parachute. the parachute was a Hefty garbage bag with two holes, so i could hold on to it. i then i would climb my aspen tree and jump off. i always landed on my feet, but never because of the parachute which would just end up over my head blinding me.

i was not a very good inventor but i had a lot of ideas, but then i discovered matches. burning things was fun.

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