The Hipster Brigade
Sunday, November 30, 2003
the end is (too) near

i fell asleep on my couch today. it wasn't comfortable. i woke up feeling crooked, sweating and the back of my throat was terribly dry. naps should be kept to the afternoon, not 10pm.

so i'm not sleeping. i'm trying to remember every bit of this room before i have to move back into my old cramped one tomorrow. the built-in bookshelves on the wall, the off-white paint, the candy corn wedged between the cushions, the sound of the cars, the look of the city lights, the headlights of the cars on the highway, the mini pencil on the window sill, the collage on the wall, the time magazine, the way my wrist watch looks so small on the shelve but so much bigger on my wrist, my face in the mirror, the slow working drain in the shower. there are so many other things i cannot even remember now to put down so i won't forget.

i won't have these things again. there's no reason to come back. i doubt it would be as good the second time around. i'm not really that sad, but the change was nice.

note: in case you haven't noticed, i hit the two year mark on my blog. the whole reason that this place even exists is because someone found my livejournal over thanksgiving break that i didn't want to see it and i freaked out and erased my old blog and all the posts in my livejournal that had to do with said person. i never intended to still be here or to have readers even. yeah. so here i still am. i have to say, i really did age well.


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Laying the foundation for grown-up fairy tales since November 2001.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

Fiction, Photography & Poetry / David Frost prints / Green Tea / MAF / N&N? / 1FaceLife / Justin Why / Rainy Days / Angels in Alcatraz

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