The Hipster Brigade
Friday, November 07, 2003
excercise my writing through blasphemy

inspired by illustrations by chris van allsburg

#1. There was nothing Katherine hated more than pumpkins. Whenever, she saw their fat bulbous bodies, she quickly imagined slicing into their ripe delicate flesh, letting their slimy guts collect on the knife. After, she had peeled away the orange rind and sliced away eight equal sections, she'd warm the oven to make it into a meal for Molly, her goat. Molly loved pumpkins as much as Katherine hated them. So, Katherine delightfully watched Molly consume each bite, she'd cackl and crack open the pumpkin seeds with her teeth. She'd spit the shells as far away as she could, merely a morsel for a squirrel or bird.

#2. Ezra studied rodents in his spare time. There were books about gerbils, rabbits, guinea pigs and mice lying around in every room of the house. As soon as Exra came home from a long day of exchanging dollars for shiny subway tokens that meants nothing more than a paycheck for him, he would read. Then feed, Scooter, his guinea pig.

#3. Archie Smith collected alphabet magnets. Right now, he owned about four different sets. Some with stripes, others with polka dots and still more with bold bright primary colours. He loved making up his own words by scattering the letters on the rug and by closing his eyes and choosing random letters one at time. His favorite word so far was Snarfmungus.

Archie collected all his words on large pieces of white construction paper, and he'd hang htem on the wall. But because Snarfmungus was his favorite, he taped it to the window for the world to see.

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Laying the foundation for grown-up fairy tales since November 2001.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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