in the dining hall
today i asked for the rigatoni only to find out on close inspection dark brown pieces of beef sprinkled on each delicious noodle. i thought really hard about it and decided to eat it anyway -- picking off the big pieces of meat -- not knowing what could be lurking inside waiting to be stuck inbetween teeth. however, after two bites i had to stop. i could not do it. each blob of meat turned into one whole tiny spotted cow staring up at me. mooing. yelling. screaming. as i brought the fork closer to my mouth, heads would poke out from either side of the noodle, staring at me wiggling their moist noses. everything looked like eyes and hooves, disjointed and angry to be there.
so i got vegetarian chili and raised my fist and yelled, "i hate you dining hall for teasing me with italian food i cannot eat."
everyone moved two chairs away and i still sat alone, quiet and miserable.