the lunchbox. the boxed lunch. batman plastic case with matching thermos. my little pony pink. spiderman blues and reds. it defines us as either "it" or simply "not it." as a child, i was made fun for bringing sushi. i was ahead of the times. i would have been it girl, instead of weird girl. i hated peanut butter sandwiches growing up. whenever lunch finally rolled around the bread was lifeless and the peanut butter looked way too oily. those days, i'd mooch off my best friend, stealing carrot sticks and chips. i remember bologna lunchables saved my life. i'm probably one of the only people that genuinely enjoyed bologna sandwiches, but i did. other days, i'd get rolls from the german bakery with salami and butter and swiss cheese. those were good days.
in high school, i lived off wendy's baked potatoes or peanut butter m&m's. now lunch mixes with breakfast and dinner. i'm either too early for one or too late for the other. as i get older, i think i'll just settle for one daily banquet.