The Hipster Brigade
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
just a wee bit

i never feel sorry for someone when i read about them being sick in their blogs. in fact, i'd like them to cut it out. it's no longer funny to have SARS, syphilis or Space Herpes.

but then i forgot what being sick is like. how much it consumes you. how the only thing you think about is being sick and wishing you were better. you can't concentrate on your taxes, that good book or your lost financial aid papers.

yesterday, i woke up achy and beyond tired. i tried speaking and stopped myself when i realized i sounded like a pre-pubescent boy. yesterday, i stayed in bed and moaned. it was my right, because i'm going to milk being sick for all that it's worth. suck up all the pity that i can. cause i'm that kind of person.

then the glamorousness of being sick ends. you just want to get out of your room. out of the dorm. out in the middle of florida. anywhere where the weather isn't 12 degrees. i want to eat solid foods again.

yesterday, i had about 5 cups of tea and tomato soup. i had to force myself to eat everytime. remember, your fluids, they say. well, i'd like to say to they that i'm not just quite 50 yet and i can process foods that haven't visited the blender.

now i'm in the limbo of being sick. almost better but still coughing and feeling cold even when the room is a million degrees. but i know you don't care.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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