The Hipster Brigade
Friday, March 19, 2004
the cycle of the cat

there is one cat that sleeps directly in front of the refridgerator door. she runs away everytime i go for the juice, and then runs back as soon as the door closes.

the other cat curls up on the kicthen counter by the dish rack at night. in the mornings, she is on the carpet under the sink. she paws and hisses furiously at the dog if he mistakes her for the other cat. she will have nothing to do with him. my grandma cleared a spot for her on the table, but she prefers the carpet.

the dog is goofy and has started following my every move throughout the house. i'm the only person who can seperate him from the Tokyo Terror (my grandma) and he must sleep with me at night. if he's not there when i go to sleep, he is there when i wake up. it's quite alarming actually.

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