The Hipster Brigade
Monday, May 31, 2004
  eddie dog

my dog is in love with me. it's true.

he sleeps with me everynight, and i if i don't leave the door open for him, he yowls till i do. he also follows me around everywhere i go around the house. it's quite disturbing. i go to the bathroom and open the door and he's lying outside waiting. i walk to the other side of the house to get a book, and he's walking behind me. it gives me the creeps. every morning he is there next to me in bed.

seriously, cut it out. stop being so loyal.

not that he reads my blog, but he might. which would creep me out even more.

i'm not sure how i feel about my dog being in love with me. often i try to imagine him as a human and what he would be like. i often imagine him being gay for some reason, and i don't know why. he doesn't seem very social, and he likes to pee on other dogs. my dog is kinky, perhaps. now i'm grossing myself out.

i want to be close to my dog. but not that close.

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