The Hipster Brigade
Thursday, June 17, 2004
  fear #98

i don't like flying. obviously, i am talking about airplanes. it's not the height that gets me or even the confined spaces. it's the build up. the packing. the itineraries. the ID checks. those scanny machines that i swear make me appear naked to the people on the other side. it's the waiting. it's the everything before i board the fucking plane.

once i'm on board, i just rest my head on my neighbor and sleep for as long as possible.

unfortunately, i have to go on planes at least 4 times a year. it's the price i must pay for attending a school on the east coast. it's worth it. but i still hate it.

now here i am gearing up for another take-off. next week tuesday, i'll be in germany. it's a 9 hour flight and i'm scared. seriously, what if i have to use the bathroom? what if i don't have a window sit? what if i have to sit next to a baby? i can only hope to shut my eyes for as long as possible and distract myself with inflight movies i've already seen. i'm crossing my fingers till i'm on the ground and my bags are back safely in my possession.

i just know that someone is fondling my underwear back there through those bag searches. but really i can't blame them. i do have nice panties.

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