The Hipster Brigade
Sunday, June 20, 2004
  there is something beautiful in the valley, not that i have ever visited before

i'm ready to say goodbye. i'm slowly weeding out bits of my life. throwing away the past. do i really need that dum dums lollipop my high school crush gave me? i don't think so. i dumped a bunch of mp3s i downloaded for the cool factor that i never listen to and never listened to. also, an accidental slip of a button and somehow i trashed all those music videos i NEVER watched either. oh well.

i like having the space. i always wanted to be a minimalist. too bad minimalist + pack rat don't mix too well.

another part of this moving on phase is that i've stopped thinking rationally. i walk in the middle of the street. i don't look both ways. i let my dog pee in the neighbor's yard as they stare terrified from the front window. i have become a neighborhood hoodlum. i am so proud of myself for being such an asshole. plus, i'm the cutest criminal you'll see around these parts.

question: i hate shaving my legs, so why do i shave the gyna with no problem?

p.s. when your boyfriend/girlfriend recommends that you take too many naps and that is why you can't fall asleep till 5am every fucking day. maybe you should listen. naps are nice, but so is a normal sleeping schedule. ALSO, BEWARE THE EVIL SLEEP WIZARD: if you feel a powerful urge to sleep instead of making a tasty burrito, then run. RUN AS FAST AS YOUR FEET WILL LET YOU. remember, watch out for the sleeping kitty on the floor!

p.p.s. remember the bold, my readers.

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Laying the foundation for grown-up fairy tales since November 2001.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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