The Hipster Brigade
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
  not all here

who am i?
if you have any answers, please tell me the big secret.

she has things to think about like milk shakes and raspberries, but she is too preoccupied with world lit. incompletes and sleeping too late. she can't even figure out enough about herself to know what her theme of a room would be. a diana theme. who knows? what is the one thing that could make her happy? what are the several things that could make her happy? she doesn't even have a clue.

she talked to an old friend today. it went really well and she liked her and she thought she never would. she thought what they had was missing or long gone. now she feels bad about being selfish and only thinking about her newest friends and her writing and her boyfriend and college. not in that order. obviously.

she is only writing in third person because she doesn't know who she wants to be anymore. she is just diana. why do so many people become surprised when they meet her? has she changed that much over the years? no one recognizes her knees and dresses and new purses.

diana writes erotica in her dreams and shows it to people. she likes her breasts and touching herself. is this wrong? she's confused.

diana likes kids pbs cartoons and hiding under the blankets and speaking to cats she meets on long walks. she has a small collection of items she has found on the sidewalk, lives in photobooths and has fallen in love with polaroid film.

she misses boston for all the wrong reasons. mostly the burrito cart, but i guess her boyfriend too.

she speaks naughty to men online and doesn't feel bad. she was always a flirt, but loves her boyfriend more than anyone in the milky way. you couldn't pay her to give him up.

she can't sleep at night.
she feels like she doesn't know who she is.
she feels old.

and most of all she feels like a child.

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Laying the foundation for grown-up fairy tales since November 2001.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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