& because i felt like something sexy
Pink Lady by Peregrin Honig
"...and it was then that he pulled out of her and she said, "What is it?" and he said, very calmly all things considered, "Say you're pretty."
"Come back inside me."
"When you've said it."
"I'm not, though."
"I think you are. Say, 'Julian thinks I'm pretty.'"
"'Julian thinks I'm pretty.' Please come back."
"When you've said it."
"I'm pretty. I'm pretty."
"Louder and mean it."
"I'm pretty, you son of a bitch!"
He reentered her then, and she'd gone a long ways back but he had nothing but time, he was a master of many situations, none more than bed, and eventually she was close again, on the verge, and he brought her slowly to climax and held her there for as long as he could before she exploded.
- William Goldman, "Tinsel"