i write because...
there is nothing else to do. i can't sleep without talking about myself. i write because i need to find out who i am. i write because i can't tell lies. i write because i must. i write because that's what i'm supposed to do. i write because i like to tell stories. i write because i want to be someone else, and this is the only way i can do it. i can't act, so i write. i write because it comes naturally to my fingertips and i like when ink smears across my palms and fingertips, and i leave tiny prints along each single white sheet of paper i pass along the table. i write because i like to read and i want to create something that will insprire someone else. i write because i want to become an alcoholic and die at the age of 45 from alcohol poisoning. i write because i think i would be paralyzed without it. i write because it's cheaper than therapy. i write because i'm lonely. i write because i feel closed in and scared and this is a way i can let it out. i write because i can't sleep. i write because i can't do anything else. i was born without talent. i write because i thought i was ugly. i write because i still think i am sometimes. i write because no one likes me in person. i write because i'm paranoid. i write to be free. i write because i want to be famous. i write because i don't want to be recognized. i write because it's sexy. i write because it's mysterious. i write because it's impressive to say at parties as an occupation. i write because it gets me good sex without saying much. i write because i can't draw. i write because spell check will fix my errors. i write because the sight of red ink excites me. i write so i can be alone. i write because i can hang out in coffee houses with an excuse to hit on other lonely writers. i write because i'm in love with language. i write because i have nothing else to do.