The Hipster Brigade
Thursday, August 26, 2004
  is is

i'm waiting for some water to boil for tea. i'm contemplating eating ice cream at 7am. my lips are a bit chapped from constantly licking them. my dog is scratching his chin and making cute doggy noises at my feet. i'm still in my nightgown. i'm thinking about mowing the lawn even though "we" haven't mowed our lawn in ages. we have an old fashioned push mower. our backyard is full of dirt and i have no idea why the grass went away. why don't more chairs have arm rests, especially at restaurants? i cannot sit with my legs just dangling there, i cross them or sit on them, it's very unlady-like. i think about my constant use of the ampersand & how it all got started because of this one entry of justin why's. i like my tea the color of brown sugar. funnily enough, i use honey, not sugar. i think about disasters more than i think of pretty things. i haven't been hungry in days, but i often wake up at 4am starving and eat anything i can find that is meatless and tasty. more people should use the word tasty. the word town is overused: boot town, tobacco town, etc. i never could understand why anyone would want to shop at a dress barn? i often dream of eating decandent cakes and fancy desserts while wearing a wedding dress. i contemplate clouds for about 90% of my day. how come my tiny cat makes more noise eating than my dog?

someone on makeoutclub once asked me to send them a journal, which i seriously contemplated. a paper journal with scraps of my life just for them. perhaps i'll work on something starting october 1st. i doubt it'll go anywhere but in my hands.

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Laying the foundation for grown-up fairy tales since November 2001.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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