team player
miss c. made a posse. i will now attempt to copy her. i have no idea what we would do, probably steal candy from children and knock over old ladies in the crosswalk. not to mention, if we were attacked by the "dawn of the dead" zombies i would be totally covered! thanks dave. also, we are prepared for any kind of stains you can throw on us. thanks justin.
-ghost of abraham lincoln
-bruce lee
-sabrina c.
-frylock from athf
-wayne gretzky
-justin b.
-dave f.
-mr. miyagi
-david bowie
-a pirate
-johnny depp
-hunter s. thompson
seriously, i hate chicks. i'm trying to think of some powerful chicks i would want on my team. i thought about courtney love or bjork. i think the crazier the better, but then i remembered that sabrina probably has outdone both of them.