The Hipster Brigade
Tuesday, August 10, 2004
  unusual monday afternoon

she's still missing and i don't know what to do. i decided to just wait it out. i'm scared to death that she died. i do realize it's funny i worded it like that. i'm guessing if she went away from the house to die, she thought it would be easier on us. i just want to see her body and to put it in a safe place. i don't want any other worms to eat her than the worms in our year. the most spooky thing about barbara missing is that we were just talking about when the pets die, what should we do with them? i said i couldn't imagine them in the backyard with d'arcy & billy fish and james guinea pig and alice mouse. they need something a bit bigger with more glitter. their own headstone at least with a nice haiku by me. i miss her so much. she was my crabby scabby (due to allergies & constant scratching) black barbara binks.

in order to get my mind off everything that's going on and not going on in my life. i've slowly become addicted to flickr, deviantart and looking for writing jobs in boston on craig's list. (thanks to numidas for that last one)

i still feel completely lost without any footholds here. i guess once i get back to boston things will start making more sense. there's something that belongs to me there. i feel so out of place and it feels so high school. i just need a giant "kick me" sign.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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