The Hipster Brigade
Thursday, September 16, 2004

i haven't listened to music in a long time. nothing personal. i'm still in love. music is still my boyfriend. my ears feel a bit tender, i guess. i've been too busy with the red sox or reading or not being around. i haven't had time to sit down and write and write and write. i feel like i've been on my feet for a little too long. i'd like to have a tired tea party sunday afternoon right now. too bad it's three days away till the day of rest. but i'm sure god has something outrageous for me that day. perhaps a hurricane or a tornado will sweep me off my feet and land me in a whole other state. i don't believe i'd blink twice if that were to happen.

my hands are bruised and bloody. i feel like i've been kneading them for hours. tired with cold. room 205 is much too cold for anyone to concentrate. today, i wrote about a man who brushes the teeth of all the animals of the willie's circus. he has his own trailer and he shares it with his chimpanzee, priscilla. i think that's one of my favorite names now. at least for inanimate objects and animals.

this week i spent finalizing my schedule by dropping two classes and switching to a bachelor of fine arts (BFA) instead of just a BA. somehow i feel a bit wiser, but i'm still the stupid girl that everyone loves. my desk is surrounded my photographs i have yet to scan. i keep meaning to plug everything in and hang everything up, but instead everything stays in big piles on the floor. i quite dislike it. i just can't do a thing about it right now. i'm much too worn out.

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Laying the foundation for grown-up fairy tales since November 2001.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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