The Hipster Brigade
Monday, September 06, 2004
  japanese blue undies

i'm not sure who knows and who doesn't, but i don't mind talking about it again. last night, loudly at the party i started talking about how sexually i'm a bit different and i find tons of strange things visually attractive, like:


and i pointed out to my boyfriend how normal he seems to be and he mentioned how he wanted to take pictures of me again, and how happy this makes me. how i've always wanted my pictures taken. i've becoming a little less shy about revealing this side to other people. i guess i don't want to hide behind this anymore, and i know that everyone can't understand why i enjoy it so much. i've lost a lot of friends (so-called friends?) over this. i guess you don't have to accept every little quirk of someone, and it's not like i sit over sushi and contemplate porn (although, i have) but i guess this is something i need to explore a bit further. honestly, i'm a bit tired of hardcore fucking and huge plastic tits and i think the body can be beautiful and if it happens to turn someone on in the process, that's certainly not a bad thing.

summer 2002, taken by russell c. on a whim

if you have a livejournal, you might want to add me here: the dirty chisel or skafunkmelt

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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