The Hipster Brigade
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
  love letter

dear readers, lovers and others:

there is just not enough time in the day for all of the things that must get done. there are other letters i could be writing write now, but instead, i choose to address you, friends. i spent today racing around campus to classes to dorm to student union to library and back. i have to remind myself to eat and that i need food for the energy and to stay alive. i used to spend almost full days on no food and i becamse sluggish and worn out and cranky. i've learned since those days though.

i've been to each of my classes and i think i figured out which one i'm going to drop. it was a really hard choice, but i basically fell in love with my advanced fiction writing teacher which made me rethink taking introduction to personal essay. i know i'll be buried alive under all the reading and writing from two literature classes and to two writing courses, but i'll cross my fingers and take a deep breath. i have a lot of people pushing me and helping me nowadays. i have a lot of hands to hold if i need them.

it's chilly in my room tonight and i'm thinking of putting on my legwarmers and a sweatshirt and sitting in my study nook reading for my american lit class. i'll be thinking of zines and pralines while i do so. i am so terribly unfocused.

till next time,
Diana Turtle

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