The Hipster Brigade
Friday, September 17, 2004
  so curious, yeah right

i know you were dying inside with anticipation, so:


introduction to poetry 10-11:15
american literature 1-2:15


advanced fiction writing 2-3:45
novel into film 6-9:45


advanced fiction writing 2-3:45

it's a weird feeling knowing that i'll be out of college this year. i will be one WLP (writing, literature and publishing) BFA (bachelor of fine arts) richer. i can't say i'm excited or scared. i'm just floating right now. i'm thinking about time after school in a pretty new apartment with my boyfriend (8 months, 16 days together so far) and sharing my beanbag chair and kissing all the time. even in the morning, despite the breath. it's strange even now to spend our nights apart. it just feels like something is missing.

i have so many pictures to scan. i'm hoping to get that done this weekend. i have a lot to get done this weekend. i'm crossing my fingers. it feels nice to be doing homework again. it's been so long since i've had to think about things. sounds silly, but i wasn't really doing homework last semester. i was barely reading the material. sometimes i'm surprised i made it out alive. yeah, every year is like that for me. i'm always crossing my fingers and hoping i don't blow up.

i should be in bed. why aren't i?

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Laying the foundation for grown-up fairy tales since November 2001.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

Fiction, Photography & Poetry / David Frost prints / Green Tea / MAF / N&N? / 1FaceLife / Justin Why / Rainy Days / Angels in Alcatraz

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