the dirty truth
i'm really fucking tired of blog templates and the search for free ones that look remotely decent. since i don't know html, i really
need someone's help. i'll repay you with kindness or brownies or something. we'll think of some sort of deal, but i have an idea and i need someone's help to make it happen, but i'm thinking of something that looks like this:
screenshot taken from
girl swirl zine
i'm really interested in dotted boxes for each entry and maybe a few more on the side with a possible image above the boxes on the side as well. maybe the image could be this:
if i knew how to actually use photoshop to cut out the ladies and the umbrella, i would do that to help speed up the process, but yes. i'm also thinking of a name change, because i'm not sure if turtle is cutting it for me nowadays. yeah, sure i'm turtle-like. i have always been this way. i will always stay in my shell to some extent, but i'd really like to be called, "polka dots and umbrellas" or something like that. maybe i can just change the name back to "the hipster brigade," but i need a new change or else i'm going to lose it. i guess this is a lot to ask of my 5 loyal readers, but please, do me a fucking favor, folks. i'm open to suggestions.