The Hipster Brigade
Friday, November 12, 2004
  once upon a photobooth

The mysterious boyfriend, Josh, of one of my good friends, Geerah, asked some good questions:

1) Over how long a period of time have you been collecting them?
I started Spring 2003, but most of them are from last year's school year.

2) Where were all these photobooths?
My main photobooth is in the city of Boston (& I don't feel comfortable giving away the exact whereabouts, because I'm afraid too many people will start going), another is in the children's museum & another (but it has since been removed) was in The Parks Mall in Arlington, TX. I also have some from when I was in Germany, but those are just single pose ones & not nearly as interesting. So technically, I have more than 50, not to mention I have given a few away and haven't liked at least two of them, which I let myself cut up and make crafty projects out of them.

3) What's up with that open spot?
well, when i was in texas last christmas, i started to miss the photobooth pretty badly, so my boyfriend decided to solve the problem for me.

4) How long until you break down and buy your own photobooth?
I've already looked into the cost of a photobooth. I've looked on EBAY and can't find what I want, so until I find a real steal, I'm not going to get one. Also, I like to just spend a ridiculous amount of money per month & this helps me reach my quota.

5) Do photos steal your soul?
No, they capture it! So, they ask permission first & only hold it for a short time -- mere seconds -- and then they return it. Or perhaps, it's more like Pokemon.

6) What's the secret behind a good photo booth picture?
I have no secret, but I know that other people do. I like having props sometimes, but being spontaneous is fun too. I normally go in there with at least some sort of idea of what I would like to do -- some sort of rough theme. I say have fun and move about some. I like standing on the stool or standing up and just having bits of me showing, and am really tempted to stand outside the booth and peek in through the curtains from that way, but my booth is too overpopulated for that move.

7) Have you contemplated selling them as stylish bookmarks?
I have thought about making a book with my collected works in them or at least a photobooth zine, but it looks like I have been beaten already & probably several times. (photobooth zine #2 & photobooth centerfold) Although, I know there are several books out on the market already --
photobooth pictures by andy warhol, photobooth by babbette hines & Hilhaven Lodge: The Photo Booth Pictures by Bret Ratner and Robert Evans.

8)Which strip is your favorite?

9) Color or black and white?
Sometimes the black & white booths have images that can come out too dark, but if they are just perfect they are my favorite. I mainly use colour because that booth is the closest to home.

10) Is there a photo booth you've heard about but haven't had a chance to visit?
I saw a girl in Germany with a ton of photobooth strips in her clear plastic tote bag, and asked her if she spoke English & she did (kinda) and she told me where it was, but she didn't know exactly which city it was in & basically, it was no help at all, but these strips have a bit bigger pictures and they are horizontal instead of vertical & I WANT SOME REAL BAD!

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Laying the foundation for grown-up fairy tales since November 2001.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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