The Hipster Brigade
Thursday, December 30, 2004
  college concerns

i've been thinking a lot about how to make my last semester at emerson, my best. so far, my senior year is looking good, i think. i only had difficulties in one class -- american lit -- and i knew from the beginning that it would be a tough one. i'm just not a literature person as much as i love reading and writing, there is no way a bunch of stuffy writers that have been dead for 60 years+ do a thing for me. well, that's not always the case, but seriously, poetry by pilgrims and short essays by benjamin franklin leave me nowhere but exhausted. i felt the same way about this class as i did in high school math. will i ever use this information? although, i bet i will.

one of my favorite classes ended up being the class i almost dropped. yes, introduction to poetry. i just didn't think i was good enough. in fact, i spent a lot of time going over and editing my poems, and i got A's on every single one -- only one was a B -- and when i turned in the rewrite the teacher wrote on there, "Why did I give you a B? Was I insane?" another poem he wrote on it, "Will I be seeing you in the advanced class next semester? I've really enjoyed reading your poetry." the class left me feeling good about my writing. i honestly didn't think i had anything left to offer.

now, it's hard to say if i loved the professor because of the classes or i loved the classes because of the professor, but novel into film & adv. fiction writing were some of the best classes i've ever had at emerson. i'm so glad that i met kevin miller, because not only is he a nice man, he's a good mentor. i plan on seeking him for advice next semester. *swoon* p.s. not to mention, the amazing films i got to learn about in my class -- the manchurian candidate, invasion of the body snatchers & the deep end. such lovely things indeed!

now, about this new semester:

photography 1
advanced poetry
senior thesis

i have room for one more class, but i'm not really sure what i want to end up taking. i know i need to keep my eyes peeled or otherwise i'll end up having to take a summer course. i just want to avoid literature classes at all costs UNLESS I CAN GET INTO AMERICANS IN PARIS TAUGHT BY KEVIN MILLER -- the school even treats you to a FREE trip to paris!! seriously, i get to learn about beatniks and all sorts of lovely things with my favorite professor and then go to paris! what a dream! i'm not sure if this class is open to anyone (the registrar says no day students!) so i'll have to wait on this one.

plus, i have one incomplete to finish for holocaust literature.

wow, graduation in the spring. i just can't believe it.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Nerd. Collector. Haiku Writer. Knee sock wearer. Umbrella holder. Polaroid taker. Photobooth sitter. Casual gamer.

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