The Hipster Brigade
Monday, December 13, 2004
  do good pt. 2

oh yes, i forgot to tell you about this: so, i started off the year with an incident, i'd like to say that i didn't witness this one & no one got fired, but it was an incident! my boyfriend was riding the elevator when three freshman get on at the 5th floor, one of those goes look what i did earlier today with my bike & pushes the elevator door -- it starts to swing AND REMEMBER, the elevator is still moving to the lobby at this point. suddenly, the elevator starts shaking and stops, but goes to the 4th floor & stops. everyone escapes (and since i was sitting desk at the time) i see three people laughing and running to the door and my boyfriend comes to me & tells me what happened.

guess what fuckers? you broke the elevator!

i really don't know what's wrong with the world today.

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Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States

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